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Hire the right people for your business

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We make it quicker and easier to find the right people

1st choice for Indonesian job seekers

Meet job seekers where they prefer to search for jobs

Trusted by more than 2 million companies

Work with the leading employment marketplace in Asia Pacific

Always here to help

Reach out to our account managers if you need help

Start hiring in 3 simple steps


Register securely online

Create and verify an account with your email address


Post your job ad

Our step-by-step guide helps you create a great job ad


Sort applications easily

Our tools make it easy to identify 
the best people for your job

Post for FREE, upgrade to Premium anytime

Post all of your roles and find the right candidate on Indonesia’s #1 job board*.

*Based on Jobstreet relative market share data from 2023-2024 and may be subject to fluctuations over time.

Local customer service agent working at computer

Be supported at every step of your hiring journey

From how to attract the right people to what keeps them happy, we’ve got guides, tools, templates and tips to help you make the right hiring decisions.